PJ Meets Judicial Officers Under Mbale High Court Circuit
The Principal Judge, Hon. Justice Dr Flavian Zeija, met and engaged Judicial Officers and staff of the Mbale High Court circuit.
He was accompanied on the trip by Judges: Hon. Lady Justice Jane Frances Abodo (DPP)and Hon. Lady Justice Jane Okuo Kajuga (In-charge of Plea Bargain). Others were HW Sarah Langa Siu (Chief Registrar), Mr. Andrew Khaukha (Judiciary Technical Advisor) and HW Jamson Karemani (the PRO).
The PJ was first taken on a guided tour of the Court premises and facilities. He, among other things, saw improvised shelves and boxes to keep court files, the use of different colour files to bundle different case categories, and the proper labeling of the boxes, all to the amusement of the visitors.
The Chief Registrar advised the Court's Ag. Deputy Registrar to apply for acid-free boxes from the headquarters for better storage.
The team then held a meeting with the Judicial Officers that included: Mbale Resident Judges: Hon. Justice Godfrey Namundi and Hon. Justice Jesse Byaruhanga, Ag. Deputy Registrar, HW James Mawanda Ereemye; Chief Magistrates: HW ZulaikaNanteza (Pallisa/Budaka) and HW Mastula Mulondo (Tororo).
Hon. Justice Namundi said the Mbale Circuit was one of the biggest, overseeing five magisterial areas. In spite of the challenges arising out of COVID-19, thej udge said the Court has held two Regional Chain-linked Committee meetings.
The judge said he was glad that a sensitization camp had been organized in the area.
He also enumerated a number of challenges affecting Court operations in the Circuit, including the lack of transcribers to manage the court recording equipment, and the absence of a standby generator.
Hon. Justice Namundi highlighted the need for a major overhaul for the court. "The Court leaks and yet we have archives and court cells. All the toilets are water-borne which are hard to maintain especially with water shortage in Mbale town." The PJ supported the idea of constructing public latrines.
Hon. Justice Dr Zeija promised to follow up the matter together with the CR. "We regularly review this matrix and see how to address each problem," he said.
The PJ advised the court to use part of its operational funds as advised by the Permanent Secretary/Secretary to Judiciary to put in place SOPs for theCOVID-19 prevention.
The Judge shared the challenges of online hearings which he attributed to inadequate equipment. The PJ reassured him that plans were underway to install video conferencing facilities in Mbale, Jinja, Arua, Masindi and Mbarara High Courts.
He emphasized the need to address the shortage of prosecutors in the circuit to ensure speedy disposal of matters in the criminal justice system.
The DPP responded that part of their plans was to recruit 80 prosecutors but this had been affected by the Government ban on recruitment.
The PJ who was in Mbale for the launch of a Plea-Bargaining Prison camp said he had allocated time in January to inspect all the Courts in the circuit, an activity which he will handle with the Chief Registrar.
On the sidelines of the meeting, the CR met with the Chief Magistrates where they discussed several matters affecting service delivery in their courts.
Posted 10th, December 2020